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MD Charts, designed by physicians and top level software system architects, is dedicated to improving your practice. It offers a bold new approach to EHR & Practice Management. The result is a system that can be fully customized to fit the needs of the basic user to even the most astute user. Engineered to maximize care to patients and improve profitability for practices, MD Charts’ unique approach to reducing the time required to take notes or e-prescribe medication as well as superior Practice Management tools can help your practice no matter its size or specialty.

Our core values

  1. Physician-focused, friendly and professional team
  2. Click less, Care More – Help physicians see more patients
  3. Provide specialty-specific EHR and Practice Management services
  4. Help practices lower costs, increase the efficient use of time, and provide valuable insight to practice business performance


TJ, Office Manager Great Neck OB GYN

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